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As a leader navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world of complexity and trauma, are you struggling to create the transformation that brings about the positive, impactful outcomes you long to see?







The “Leadership Impact” programme will enable you to develop the insights, understand, wisdom and courage you need to take the steps you need to bring about the transformation that will make you feel positive, successful and proud.


Run by Susan Popoola,
Founder & CEO of Mosaic Fusions

Susan Popoola, Human Value Optimisation Specialist


Susan Popoola, the CEO of Mosaic Fusions supports organisation leaders in creating highly productive and fulfilling workplaces that achieve optimal results within the context of the complexities and challenges of the modern work environment. Her deep rooted belief in human value, and her ability to understand and connect with people from a rich diversity of backgrounds enables her to support leaders in optimising and bringing out the best in people and organisations. Her belief in human value is reflected in her podcast, “Leading in a Mosaic World, and her books: Touching the Heart of Milton Keynes: A Social Perspective, Consequences: Diverse to Mosaic Britain, and Male Perspectives on The Value of Women at Work.


She has extensive cross-sector and international experience working with organisations and delegates from Europe, Africa, the Middle East, China and the US. She is also a South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership Ambassador, Royal Society of Arts fellow, Good Work Guild member, and former Fellow of Windsor Castle’s Society of Leaders. When she’s not working with organisations, you are likely to find her on the Golf course, working to support young people who have been in the care system, or working on her latest book on multiculturalism.


Are you concerned about..

Your ability to have you desired impact as a leader in the face of an environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambitiousness?


You may be wondering about:

  • Your ability to navigate through the complexities we are all faced with in the modern world

  • Aware of the volatility and uncertainty we are all faced with

  • Recognise the disquiet and trauma, but lack the understanding of what to do

  • Question the injustice and inequalities you see, but lack and understanding of what you can do.

  • Worry that a focus on purpose and impact may come with a risk to profitability 

  • Consider the areas of concern to you to be to big for you to have a real impact

  • Feel under resources and too time poor to be truly effective and impactful

  • Not have the right support in place, knowing you can’t do it all alone.

Gain the support you need to increase your  Leadership Impact.

What if you had the insight and wisdom  needed to take the steps to optimise your impact as a leader?

The leadership impact programme will provide you with a personalised roadmap to enable you to take the steps needed for YOU to optimise YOUR impact as a leader, guiding you through the process step-by-step to ensure your success.

  • Develop a clear purpose beyond profit the enables you to have a positive impact

  • Have a clear vision and strategy to guide you and your team towards clear goals

  • Identify and build the relationships and Support System you need to enable you to have optimal impact

  • Think creatively, seize opportunities and take calculated risk to drive innovation and impact

  • Develop your self awareness and understanding of different perspectives to minimise setbacks and challenge.

  • Confidently make firm decisions, access the environment with the ability to adapt and pivot when necessary, while remaining focused on your core objects

  • Work towards measurable outcomes and tangible achievements

  • Be resilient in the face of face of challenges

  • Feel confident and satisfied in the life you are living and the impact you have.

Led by Susan Popoola, the Leadership Impact programme is created with the flexibility to support the needs of leaders working independently and in any size of organisations, providing cost-effective strategies that yield exceptional outcomes and high value impact.

What does the programme offer?

To enable you to see clear outcomes within a 6-month period, the programme will include..

Image by Arjan de Jong

Strategic Review

During this 90-minute session, you'll receive a comprehensive review of your current position, challenges, strategy, and plans, which provides you with a clear picture of where you are, enabling you to understand what is working and what requires improvement.

Team Building Session

Strategic Coaching Sessions

Twelve powerful calls providing you with immediate insight and further guidance to keep you on track with support on emerging issues that may arise.

Game Strategy Plan

Impact Action Plan

Map out simple steps for you and your key team members to meet your immediate Impact objectives within 6 months.

Creating a Mood Board

Weekly Inspiration

These weekly check-ins will provide you with insights and ideas that keep you motivated and making consistent progress towards your Impact objectives.

This is what OTHERS say about working with SUSAN:

"Encouraging and Enquiring:
Susan’s easy, encouraging, and inquiring style brings out real insight which I believe to be essential in making progress in this crucial area. I cannot recommend Susan highly enough."

Matthew Griffiths, Board Chair, Vistage

Partnering with  the AMAZING Clients 


Register for the Leadership Impact Programme now and start increasing YOUR IMPACT today!

At Mosaic Fusions, Experience the power of the Leadership Impact programme and witness remarkable progress in just six months.



It is designed for high impact through cost-effective strategies to create the Impact you dream of without breaking the bank.

Time Commitment

The programme is also designed to enable you to achieve tangible outcomes within a minimal amount of time, and without spending too much time on the process.

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Option 1: Full Payment of £10,000 plus VAT

Option 2: 6 monthly payments of £1850 plus VAT

Join the Leadership Impact programme and unlock your power for transformatiation!

Get in Touch

Mosaic Fusions Ltd.

Tel: 44 (0)7957 743022

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